
Welcome to The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation

At the heart of St. Louis, two great rivers converge. From its earliest origins, water has played an essential role in the landscape, development and prosperity of the St. Louis region. Water is the most vital resource on our planet, and the St. Louis Aquarium is a place where guests learn about and celebrate our region’s deep appreciation for the water that surrounds and sustains us.

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The core initiatives of the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation are:

ACCESS– Provide access to education for all through free Aquarium admissions, outreach programs and an ongoing effort to identify and remove other barriers. For more information about our H2O Friends (Help To Our Friends) program click the button below:

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CONSERVATION– Provide educational and actionable opportunities for regional water conservation efforts. Details can be found here:

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EDUCATION – Deliver informal and formal opportunities for water themed and STEM-based education programs and classes for learners of all ages.

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